KFC Apprenticeships

  • 08/12/2015
  • Guest Author
  • Focus

How do KFC recruit apprentices for apprenticeship programmes?

Level 2 apprentices are recruited as new employees, i.e. we recruit for new employees by offering a level 2 apprenticeship pending eligibility. Level 3 apprentices are recruited via progression from level 2 and/or eligibility.

What qualifications are necessary for applicants?

All we ask is that learners pass our initial assessment – no qualifications necessary.

How many apprentices did you recruit in 2014?

Over 400.

my apprenticeship story

Martha Kempsford, KFC apprentice

Since completing my apprenticeship I worked in restaurants of different volumes where I have been able to work with and support many different people through their careers with KFC and their apprenticeships using the knowledge I have. As well as this I have been encouraging starting an apprenticeship to members of staff as I believe it gives them the foundations for a great career with KFC as well as developing them personally. I am a strong believer in education and what it can do to change your life both professionally and personally, giving you the confidence and the ability to strive to do the very best you can do at the same time as gaining valueable knowledge that can be put into practice in the workplace. I am continuing my education through a degree with the companies programme and I am currently in second year at DeMontfort University studying Business Management. As well as this in August 2014 I was promoted to Regional Apprenticeship Specialist where I have the opportunity to support learners with their apprenticeships as well as promoting apprenticeships internally with our existing team. This has given me great pleasure, to be able to offer an education and an opportunity to people who may not have had this before is amazing and something that I always want to do no matter what job I have. Since starting my role in August the success rates have improved by 8% in the region that I cover and the message of apprenticeships is strong throughout the company. I have increased the amount of new intermediate apprentices by 30 from last year and this is something that I particulary am proud of as not only does it build the pipeline for future talent within the business, but it gives those that didn’t necessarily gain what they had hoped for from their school education, a chance to gain something and to see the happiness from the learners when they achieve this is indescribable. Apprenticeships are a way of education that is different from the rest, the on the job training is something that really inspired me as I know that it has with others too as it’s a different approach to education that enables you to interact with others on a daily basis.
To find out more about the KFC apprenticeship scheme visit their website.

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